Saturday 30 May 2015

Music is addictive


 Whether it's Mozart, Joni Mitchell, Adele or newcomers like Frank Ocean music is powerful and has existed in all cultures throughout history. But why do humans find music so addictive and pleasurable?
At its core, music is the combination of audio frequencies and intricate patterns floating through the air and clashing together in our ear. Much like our eyes process light, our ears process waves of sound and trigger a state of excitement and sometimes pleasure in our brain. Humans experience pleasure from many stimulants food, sex and drugs. But because many of these stimulants are necessary for human survival the body has created a system in which it rewards us for achieving them. What's really happening is a release of a neurotransmitter in the brain called dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical responsible for making us feel good. When dopamine is released following a reward such as a delicious meal or winning the lottery, the neurotransmitter causes a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction. Drugs, such as cocaine, take advantage of this pathway by increasing the amount of dopamine, or rather, preventing its removal causing continual stimulation of our neurons, which creates intense moments of pleasure.  
Music is addictive
Music has the ability to create state of arousal causing pupils to dilate, blood pressure to rise and the brain to fire in auditory, movement and emotional regions. And even though music doesn't have a direct survival benefit, this emotional reaction causes a release of the feel good chemical, dopamine. Though the exact evolutionary reasoning is unclear, the amazing fact remains, music chemically alters our body and makes us feel great. And in the same way that a drug induced dopamine surge leaves us craving more, music becomes addictive. The dopamine tells our body it was rewarded and creates the desire to seek out more. 
Even though music enjoyment is entirely subjective and intertwined with cultural and personal experience, the chemical effects remain constant amongst the human race, a perfectly natural drug of happiness.

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